Thursday, December 26, 2013

How I Got Here

Hey y'all! Happy holidays! A little background on my journey...

Around this time last year, I was planning a trip to Europe to take place in fall of 2013. I had been feeling the itch that a lot of 20-somethings get -that urge to travel. To discover something new. Although I was in a place that I LOVED (still do) and a job that I loved (still do), I couldn't shake the need to be somewhere else. Somewhere new and different. To EXPLORE!

I had a friend who had talked about backpacking around Europe, so I called her up, and that was it. I (perhaps somewhat naively) threw myself headfirst into planning a great adventure across Europe. I imagined staying at hostels and taking overnight trains to places unknown; visiting French cafes and Swiss mountains, and running through Austria singing "the hills are alive WITH THE SOUND OF MUUUSIC".

Then one day -the day before I was supposed to buy a plane ticket- I got news from my friend. She had just been offered her dream job and would be unable to take the trip. After about 3 seconds of selfish heartbreak, I was super excited for her. In the end, I decided not to make the trip on my own -it wasn't meant to be. I realized that it was for the best. I mean, how was I gonna afford a trip through Europe when I could barely pay my student loans? Even with all of this mature realization going on, I could not get rid of the need travel. I was pretty bummed.

One day, while relaying my story of melancholic wanderlust-filled woe (no dramatics here, folks), a friend suggested teaching in Korea. She had recently returned from a year teaching in Seoul, and had loved it. My first thought was "Korea?! I can't do that -its so different!". However, as she filled me in on some of the finer points (teaching cute kids, new and beautiful cultures, inexpensive travel, a chance to save some $, etc) I thought "wow, that could be really awesome!". I mean, they pay you to travel to a new country and teach adorable children! And anyway, hadn't I been looking for something totally different? Sign me up!

There began the journey of getting to Korea. The first thing I did was contact the recruiter my friend had recommended. Recruiters help you find a school and help you to navigate the paperwork process. I also did a whole lot of Google and YouTube searching. I've seen a lot of people say it was somewhat of a whirlwind process -that once they got started, they were leaving before they knew it. That's not how my journey was. I started my paperwork at the end of August with the hopes of leaving in November. I got my fingerprints done and then sent off my paperwork to get my FBI criminal background check. Things seemed to be going smoothly until one day in early October I woke up in the middle of the woods (don't worry folks, it was totally legit -I was leading a backpacking trip) to an email informing me that the government had shut down and my paperwork was on hold. UGH. That government shut down was the worst, THE WORST -but I digress.

 Anyway, I had nothing to do but wait. And wait. And wait. And pass up two jobs because I was waiting. And then one day, it arrived! Yay! Cue happy dance! Once I had my FBI CRC I was able to accept a job and apply for my visa. The next part was a bit of a whirlwind, I suppose. I received my visa -which is the MOST exciting piece of mail I've ever gotten. I hadn't had any stamps in my passport before! A few days after that, I received my flight information. Now all that's left to do is finish packing and go, right?

I've got just under a week left in North Carolina, and it should be pretty busy. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to be a camp counselor for winter camp until the 1st. That evening , I'll fly to St. Louis for 2 full days of family fun. Then, on the morning of the 4th, I'll be flying to South Korea to begin my big adventure!

My Visa!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

first post

Well, here I go! My first blog post for my big adventure! As you may know, I am going to be moving to South Korea (aka the good Korea) for a year -or two- to teach English. I have accepted a position in a hagwon (Korean private school) in Cheonan, South Korea teaching kindergartners and elementary school-aged kids. I should be leaving on (or around) January 4th -fingers crossed!

I've decided to write a blog about my adventure for a couple reasons: 1) to keep my friends and family up to date on my life in Korea, 2) to keep a chronicle for myself to look back on after my Korean adventure has ended, and 3) to eventually give others considering teaching abroad a look at the daily life of an English teacher. Over the next few weeks I will try to write some pre-trip posts in anticipation of the big move. Once I arrive I will try to update my blog once a week.

In the meantime, enjoy this stellar translation I got from the Atlanta Korean consulate website! Clearly, I've got my work as an English teacher cut out for me.