Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cat Cafe

Disclaimer: Okay folks, I just proof-read this and I feel it may be necessary to explain that I am not now, nor have I ever been a cat lady. This post comes off slightly cat lady-ish, but let me assure you that I don't even own a cat. Just because I happen to love cat puns, doesn't mean I've gone over to crazy cat lady territory! Okaaay, disclaimer (rant?) over.

As you may or may not know, I love animals, especially cute furry ones. Months ago, when I was first researching Korea, I heard about cat cafes. "Cat cafes(?!)", you might be asking yourself "what is that?!" Well America, I once wondered the same thing. Get this -it's a cafe full of CATS! Who would have guessed? Basically you get a coffee -or in my case hot chocolate (because the only thing I love more than furry animals is chocolate)- and you sit around playing with dozens of cats!

Sounds amazing right? I know, my first thoughts were pretty much you have cat to be kitten me! Are you serious right meow? A cat cafe sounds like the purrfect way to spend my evening! As you may or may not know, the only thing I love more than furry animals and chocolate is cat puns.

So, of course, for my first weekend in Seoul I had to go to a cat cafe. Well folks, mission totally accomplished. And let me tell you, it was AWESOME! The hot chocolate was just okay, but let's be honest who the f cares about the hot chocolate at a CAT CAFE? That's like judging a strip club on its chicken wings.

But let's be even more honest, you guys, who the f cares what I have to say when there are pictures of cute cats to get to? No one right? That's why I'm going to make the rest of this post mostly pictures with a few sentences interspersed throughout. (Notice my use of the word interspersed.)

We got these very informative rules.

This was my favorite cat!


Creepin on a cat. Check meowt!
The cats all loved the heater. So we camped out here to maximize our cat to human ratio.

I'd say it was a purrdy good time. And it was much more hygenic than I'd thought it would be. There were cabinents to put all of your stuff in and lint rollers to use before you left. If you can get past the 2 stall co-ed bathroom (wtf, right) then it's totes worth a visit. I'll be back. It's not just for cat ladies!


  1. Every day is cat cafe at my house. Maybe I should send my kitty to Korea to be a teacher like you. Need a roommate?

  2. Too cool! So do they take in all of the stray cats, or they are just the crazy cat people, and adopted a ton?
