Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Shit Korean Kids Say

Things have been a bit stressful at work lately. We recently had a teacher leave who wasn't replaced. This means more work for everyone. That plus some other major scheduling and staff changes have made things a little crazy around here. Luckily I've got some pretty adorable kids who make it worth it. Their humor can make any day fun.

I mean pop up cards ARE pretty amazing.

Semi racist activity in theme class

Semi inappropriate stickers in theme class

Should I be afraid?

This started as a charming picture of young Tony and me dancing in the rain. It ended with my death. I should definitely be afraid.

Number 2

I tried to explain Thanksgiving to my class. Mason's idea of Thanksgiving dinner -pizza, kimbap, and ramen.

And I saved the best for last!

Robin tells us about how he came to be...

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