*Writer's note: I am still posting from my phone and the awesome (read: shitty) blogger app only allows me to post all the pictures in one clump at the bottom. I'll do my best to explain them in the post.
In case you couldn't tell from the very creative title of this post, it is about the kids! You know, those adorable always (read- occasionally) well behaved students I spend most of my days teaching. As I write this I am in the teacher's room at school listening to the sounds of kids practicing their graduation performance: a Romeo and Juliet musical. Although I question the appropriateness of having 6 year olds perform a play about teenagers who commit suicide, I have to admit that they sound darling (even if I'm currently listening to them sing about their hatred for the Capulets).
Anyway, here is how it works here:
In the morning we have kinder kids and we've got elementary schoolers in the afternoon. We all have about 3 main classes of students that are "ours". We teach those kids a few times everyday, but we also rotate between other classes for a few periods as well.
The kinder classes are all named after US cities. My main class is Houston. I've got 10 students -5 girls and 5 boys. Because some families vacation in January, I've only had all 10 kids in class once since I've started. I usually have 8, but that should change in February. They are all 7 in Korea, which means they're actually 5 or 6 years old.
I love my Houston class. They are adorable. My favorite thing about them is that they are very well behaved, especially compared to the other classes at ILS. They love to hug my legs and play with my hair and tell me they love me -adorable but tiring (in a good way).
I have two main elementary classes -super 3 and super 2. Super means they are super smart -the highest level classes at ILS. It starts at level 3 and ends at level 1. They speak English very well.
I really like my super 3 class. I think they're 9 in Korea, so 7 or 8 in the US. I've got 5 students in that class, but I've only had 4 of them come so far. They are well behaved and also seem to like me. My favorite thing about them is that they bring me treats all the time!
My last main class is super 2. They're okay. It just 2 girls -both 10 (8 or 9). They are very smart. Maybe too smart because they finish their work in about 10 minutes and then sit around for the rest of class critiquing all the English teachers. I mean sure, by the time they're my age I'm sure they'll be doctors or mathematicians, but at this point they still have to ask my permission to use the bathroom. I'm working on them. My goal is to get them from academic robots to occasionally social academic robots. Okay, that sounded harsh. I do like my super 2 girls, but I think I've been spoiled by my awesome Houston and super 3 kids.
In addition to main classes, we also have a subject that we teach. Before I came here, I told them I'd be most interested in science and least interested in math. Welp guess what, you guys! I'm the ILS math teacher! Ugh. It's not that horrible, but they are definitely times when I have no effing clue how to explain things. It's official, Korean kindergarteners are better at math than me.
It doesn't help that we're currently working on measurements in half the classes and my school doesn't have rulers or scales. Since I work at one of the most expensive schools in the city, you'd think we'd have stuff like that. Nope! Instead we have tricked out purple school buses and movie projectors and birthday feasts. My camp experience in "fake it until you make it" came in handy on this. For my first 2 weeks I gave the kids my shoes and/or nalgene to measure with. This week got tired of waiting on my supervisor to buy rulers so I photo-copied one of the other teacher's rulers 20 times. Tah-dah! Homemades rulers for everyone. (Insert Oprah voice here) You get a ruler! You get a ruler! And you get a ruler!
Anyway, gotta go teach two 9 year olds who've probably (read- definitely) already finished their classwork anyway.
Picture Key!
(its nearly impossible to get a good picture of eight 5 year olds)
1-Houston during The Big Birthday Celebration
2-Houston on Jaden's bday
3-Some Houston Kids and me on today's field trip
4- Maddox and Sue playing a math game