Saturday, January 18, 2014

RIP My Computer, and Other Tidbits from My Week

Hello again! I had planned to start this post off talking about I finally have internet in my apartment, but I can't. 

After trying to communicate to my school director, supervisor, and landlord that all I needed was an Ethernet cord for a week (and they could stop sending over "engineers") I gave up and went out and found one. So, technically as of Tuesday I did have internet. And it was great -for about 3 days- until I broke my computer! While giving my sister an apartment tour via Skype, the damn Ethernet cord got caught on the bathroom door and I dropped my computer. She just HAD to see the mysterious Korean shower! #koreaprobs. Now I'm back to no internet, and updating this from a cafe on my cell phone, so sorry I'm not sorry if its not edited. I'm still in mourning, y'all.

Anyway. I'm gonna keep this short because the formatting on my cell phone app sucks.

Besides the computer incident, the week went well at school. We had a big birthday celebration (more on this in a later post) on Monday. And I met my two kindergarteners that had been vacationing last week.

On Friday I went to downtown Cheonan and checked out the Shinsegae (Cheonan's big shopping mall). I even found a burger and fries! It was decent except for some strange sauce that was on it, but it was my first semi-American find over here so that was a win.

After checking out the Shinsegae, we walked around. It was pretty cool. Lights, signs, and street vendors everywhere. I even tried some street food -a fried sweet potato thing. It was okay.

The best part of the evening was finding a shop that sold hilarious socks and stationary. Who wants to be pen-pals?!

Until I get my computer screen fixed I'm going to try to post short, more frequent updates. Byeeee!

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