Sunday, January 19, 2014

Shit Korean Kids Say

Welcome to a little post I'm going to call 'Shit Korean Kids Say'. I'm hoping to make this a semi-regular thing. Basically, I'll just post funny crap that my kids say. Think Ghetto Hikes (which I recommend you immediately google if you've never read) except less ghetto and more politically incorrect. Here we go!

Me: "The vocab word is handsome. Who can use handsome in a sentence?"
Student: "Obama President has become very handsome!"

After I explained the act of stacking hammocks when talking about the vocab word hammock:
Me: "The next word is avoid. Who can use avoid in a sentence?"
Student: "When you are in the bottom hammock you must avoid the farts of the person above you!"

Many of you have already seen this gem on Facebook:

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